Marcé Society Announces Special Edition of Archives of Women’s Mental Health


The International Marce Society is an international, interdisciplinary organization dedicated to supporting research and assistance surrounding prenatal and postpartum mental health for mothers, fathers and their babies.

In recognition of the 40th anniversary of the Marce Society, the Archives of Women’s Mental Health has published an entire edition focused on Innovations in Research, Policy, and Clinical Care in Perinatal Mental Health.

Articles includes discussions of the DSM, postpartum psychosis, disparities in maternal health and mental health, fathers’ mental health, and programs to prevent perinatal depression.

Mia Hemstad

Mia is a mom of 2, a trauma-informed self-care coach, a speaker, and the creator of No Longer Last, which is a group coaching experience that empowers women to value themselves, advocate for what they wand and need, and live life on their own terms.

National Maternal Mental Health Hotline


I was pregnant and swallowed handful of pills…